**** All photos on this website are "tagged" and copyright ****



5th Avenue
Albert Tavern
Alma Tavern
Angel Hotel
Angel Inn
Anvil and Vice
Ball Inn
Bath Inn
Belvedere Hotel
Black Bull
Black Horse Inn
Blacksmiths Arms
Black Swan
Blue Bell
Blue Minx  
Boot and Shoe
Bow Bridge Inn
Brave Old Oak
Brewers Arms
Bridge Inn  
Britannia Inn 1
Britannia Inn 2
Brush & Easel
Buck & Griffin
Butchers Arms 1
Butchers Arms 2
Canklow Hotel
Carters Rest
Cat and Cabbage
Charter Arms
Clarence Hotel 1
Clarence Hotel 2
Cleaver Inn
Clifton Hotel
College Inn
College Road Inn 
Commercial Inn
Cottage Inn
County Borough
Cranworth Hotel
Crinoline Bridge Inn
Cross Daggers  
Cross Keys  
Crown 1  
Crown 2  
Crown 3
Crown & Anchor
Crown Hotel  
Crown Inn 1 
Crown Inn 2  
Cutlers Arms  
Davy Lamp  
Dickens Inn  
Donfield Tavern
Dove Cote Inn  
Duke of Wellington  
Duke of York  
Dusty Miller  
Earl Grey  
East Dene Hotel  
East Dene Club  
Eastwood Hotel  
Eastwood Inn  
Edward VII
Effingham 1
Effingham 2  
Effingham 3
Effingham House
Elephant and Castle
Falstaff Inn
Fitzwilliam Hotel  
Florence Nightingale
Foljambe Arms
Foresters Arms
Freedom Inn
Fullerton Arms
George and Dragon 1
George and Dragon 2
Glassmakers Arms  
Golden Ball
Golden Cup
Grafton Hotel  
Grapes Hotel
Grapes Inn 1
Grapes Inn 2
Green Dragon
Grey Horse Inn
Hammer and Vice
Hare and Hounds
High Bar
High House
Hill Top
Hind Hotel
Holmes Hotel
Hope Tavern
Horse and Jockey
Howard Hotel
Iron Bridge Inn  
Jakes Bar  
Junction Inn
Kings Arms
Kings Head
Litten Tree
Little Swan
Lord Broughman  
Lord Nelson
Mail Coach Inn
Main Street
Malt Shovel
Market Hotel
Masons Arms
Meadow Bank Hotel
Merry Heart
Midland Inn
Millmoor Hotel
Milton Arms
Miners Arms
Miners Rest 
Miners Tavern
Minerva Tavern
Monad Hotel
Moulders Rest
Nag's Head
Nellie Denes  
New Broom Hotel
New Inn
New York New York
New York Tavern
Northfield Tavern
No 10
Oddfellows Arms
Old Gate Inn  
Old Hall Inn
Old Snug
Old Spade Bone Inn
Old Vaults
Pack Horse Inn
Park Hotel
Parkgate Inn
Paul Pry
Pewter Pot
Phoenix Hotel
Pigeon Cote Inn  
Plough Inn
Prince of Wales Feathers
Prince of Wales Hotel
Providence Provides
Queen Adelade
Queens Hotel
Railway Hotel
Railway Tavern
Red Bear
Red Bull
Red House Inn
Red Lion 1
Red Lion 2
Red Lion Hotel
Reform Tavern  
Reindeer Inn
Restaurant Inn
Ring O'Bells 1
Ring O'Bells 2
Rising Sun Inn
Robin Hood Inn
Rockingham Arms
Rollers Tavern
Rose and Crown 1
Rose and Crown 2
Rose and Thistle
Royal George
Royal Oak 1
Royal Oak 2
Royal Oak 3
Royal Standard
Shakespear Inn
Ship Hotel
Ship Inn 1
Ship Inn 2
Sir Colin Campbell
Sitwell Arms
Spade Bone Inn
Speed and Plough
Sportsman 1
Sportsman 2
Sportsman's Inn 
Stags Head
Star Inn
Star Vaults Inn
Station Hotel 1
Station Hotel 2
Station Inn 1
Station Inn 2
Temple Hotel
Thatched House
Thornhill Tavern
Three Cranes  
Three Horse Shoes
Three Tuns
Thrybergh Top Club
Tivoli Inn
Travellers 1
Travellers 2
Travellers 3  
Travellers 4
True Briton Inn
Turf Tavern
Turf Tavern 2
Turners Arms
Tut 'n' Shive
Tyre and Axle Inn
Vice and Hammer
Vine Inn
Wagon and Horse
Waterloo Inn
Wellington Inn
Welsh Lass
West End Hotel
Westgate Hotel  
Wharf Inn  
Wheatsheaf Hotel
White Hart  
White Hart Hotel 1
White Hart Hotel 2
White House Inn
White Lion
White Swan
William IV  
Wilton Inn
Woodman Inn
Yates Wine Bar
York Keel


Photo's of pubs were taken by John Ward unless stated on the relevant web page as to where they are from.

Licensees Surnames

Abson, Acaster, Acaster, Adams, Addy, Adsetts, Ainley, Ainscough, Aizelwood, Allen, Allot, Allwood, Alvey, Anderson, Andrews, Angraves, Antcliffe, Appleyard, Ardous, Armeson, Armstrong, Arnall, Arnold, Arrand, Asbury, Ashley, Ashmore, Astbury, Aston, Astwood, Atherton, Athey, Atkin, Atkinson, Attwood, Auckland, Austin, Avill, Axleby, Ayrton.

Babb, Bacon, Badger, Bagnall, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Bakewell, Ball, Ballard, Banks, Bann, Bannister, Bardsley, Barker, Barkess, Barlow, Barnaby, Barnes, Barraclough, Bartholomew, Bates, Batty, Bayton, Bazeley, Beatie, Beaumont, Beckett, Beecroft, Beedham, Beeley, Beevers, Bell, Bells, Bennett, Bentley, Best, Beverley, Bevington, Bewley, Biddle, Billings, Binns, Birch, Bird, Birkinshaw, Birks, Birmingham, Bishop, Blackburn, Blackhurst, Blanchard, Bletcher, Blocksage, Bloor, Blotheran, Blow, Boaler, Booker, Booth, Bott, Bottom, Bottomley, Boulton, Bower, Bowler, Bownes, Box, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bramall, Bramham, Bray, Brennan, Brewin, Bridges, Brierley, Briggs, Briscoe, Brisland, Britland, Brittain, Brook, Brooke, Brooker, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Brunt, Bruntlett, Brunyee, Bryant, Buckley, Buffton, Bull, Bullement, Bullivant, Burgin, Burgoyne, Burke, Burkinshaw, Burley, Bury, Butcher, Butters, Butterworth, Bywater.

Calaghan, Calder, Caldwell, Caloe, Campling, Capell, Cardwell, Carfit, Carley, Carnelly, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Cassidy, Casterton, Cauldwell, Cavill, Cawkwell, Chadfield, Chambers, Chaplin, Chapman, Chappell, Chatham, Chatterton, Cheeseman, Cheetham, Chester, Chetwynd, Chiswick, Clabby, Clapham, Clark, Clarke, Claydon, Clegg, Clemmont, Cliff, Clough, Cockayne, Cockell, Cockram, Coggan, Coldwell, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colley, Collier, Collins, Collumbine, Connelly, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Cooling, Coombes, Cooper, Cope, Copley, Corbett, Corbitt, Corker, Cornish, Cotton, Cottrell, Coucom, Coulson, Coult, Coulter, Cousins, Covan, Coverdale, Cox, Coy, Craven, Crawshaw, Crawshore, Crebar, Creber, Creeber, Creswick, Cross, Crossland, Crosswaite, Crowder, Cunningham, Curtis, Curtiss, Cuthbert, Cutts.

Dagless, Dale, Daly, Danford, Darlow, Darwent, Darwin, Daughtry, Davies, Davis, Davy, Dawes, Dawes, Daws, Dean, Dearing, Delahay, Dennett, Dennis, Denton, Derwent, Dey, Dixon, Dobb, Dobbs, Dobson, Dodd, Doel, Doherty, Doncaster, Douglas, Dowling, Downes, Drabble, Draper, Draycott, Drury, Ducker, Dudley, Duffield, Duffy, Dugan, Duke, Dunhill, Dunnicliffe, Dyson.

Eadon, Earnshaw, Earp, Easthope, Eaton, Eccles, Edwards, Eggleston, Ekin, Ellerbeck, Elliot, Ellis, Emerson, Emery, Emmett, Endicott, England, Entwistle, Essex, Etchel, Etherton, Evans, Evers, Exley, Eyre.

Farnsworth, Farrow, Fazackerley, Featherstone, Fellows, Fells, Fenoughty, Ferrand, Fieldhouse, Fields, Findlay, Firth, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Flanagan, Fleeman, Flemming, Fletcher, Flintham, Flockton, Flower, Flynn, Foers, Foster, Foulson, Fowether, Fowler, Foxcroft, Francis, Freeman, French, Fretwell, Friend, Frith, Frost, Fry, Fuller, Furniss.

Gabbitas, Gaffney, Garlick, Garner, Garnett, Garod, Garrod, Gee, Gent, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gillatt, Gilling, Gillions, Gilliver, Gillot, Gladwin, Gleaden, Globe, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godley, Goldron, Goodacre, Goodall, Goodall, Goode, Goodison, Goodman, Goodwin, Gorman, Gothard, Grady, Graham, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Grayson, Greaves, Greeber, Green, Greenbury, Greenwood, Gregory, Gridlestone, Grieve, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimoldby, Grindle, Grogutt, Groom, Guest, Guilliam, Gullimore, Gunter.

Hadfield, Hadgeson, Hafferty, Haffety, Hague, Haigh, Halder, Hale, Hall, Hallam, Halliday, Halloran, Hallows, Hallsworth, Hamer, Hampstead, Hamshaw, Hamstead, Hanby, Hancock, Hanley, Hannah, Hannon, Happergood, Hardy, Hargreave, Hargreaves, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hatfield, Hatt, Hattersley, Haukrigg, Hawcroft, Hawley, Hayes, Haywood, Heaps, Heath, Heathcote, Heaton, Heeson, Helliwell, Hemmingway, Hemsworth, Henderson, Henderson, Heppinstall, Hepplewhite, Hepworth, Herbert, Hesketh, Hewitt, Heys, Heywood, Hicklin, Hickling, Hickman, Higgins, Hill, Hillman, Hird, Hobson, Hodgeson, Hodgkinson, Hodlin, Hofgkiss, Hogan, Hogg, Hogton, Hohmann, Holbein, Holgate, Holland, Hollingsworth, Hollingworth, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hoole, Hooper, Hope, Hopkinson, Horner, Hornshaw, Horsend, Horsfield, Horsford, Horton, Houlden, Hounslow, Howard, Howarth, Howe, Howson, Hucknall, Hudson, Hudspeth, Huff, Hughes, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurn, Hurst, Hurt, Hutchinson, Hutton, Hydes,

Ingham, Ingle, Ingram, Inman, Ives.

Jackson, James, Jaques, Jarvis, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jennings, Jepson, Jervis, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jowett.

Kananagh, Kay, Kaye, Keal, Keen, Keightley, Kelham, Kelley, Kelly, Kent, Kerry, King, Kirk, Kitchen, Knapton, Knight, Knowles, Knowlson.

Lambert, Lavelle, Law, Lawless, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Laycock, Layne, Lea, Leach, Leake, Ledger, Lee, Leek, Leggatt, Leggoe, Leng, Lennon, Lenton, Leverington, Levick, Levien, Lewis, Lidster, Liggins, Ling, Lister, Littlewood, Liversage, Lockart, Lockwood, Loftus, Lomas, Long, Love, Lowe, Lucas, Luckock, Lucock, Lundy, Lunn, Lyall, Lyle, Lynam.

Macfarlane, MacKay, MacRedie, Maguire, Makin, Makings, Mallett, Mallinson, Mapplebeck, Marr, Marsden, Marshall, Marsland, Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Matley, Mayo, McAlpine, McBean, McCormack, McGath, McGovern, McHale, McIntyre, McKenzie, Meadows, Meays, Medley, Meleham, Mellor, Meredith, Merrill, Merry, Metcalf, Methley, Middleton, Midgley, Mills, Milnes, Mirfin, Mitchell, Moffatt, Mohan, Moorby, Moore, Moores, Moorhouse, Morely, Morgan, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mosley, Moss, Moulding, Mozley, Muir, Mullet, Mulligan, Mullins, Mulvey, Munn, Murry, Mursey, Murtrie, Muscroft, Myers.

Naylor, Neal, Neatby, Needham, Nettleton, Newbould, Newey, Newsome, Newsum, Nicholas, Nicholson, Nicol, Nixon, Noble, Nolan, Norbron, Norburn, Norman, Norris, Norton, Nussey, Nutall.

Oakley, Oakton, Oates, Oats, O'Brien, Ogden, O'Grady, Oldfield, Oldham, Oliver, O'Neil, Orgil, Osborne, Outram, Owen, Owens, Ownsworth, Oxbrough, Oxley.

Palmer, Pardy, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parkinson, Partington, Pashley, Patrick, Payne, Peace, Pearce, Pearson, Perkins, Peters, Pettit, Phillips, Picken, Pickering, Pickersgill, Pickin, Pimgree, Pindar, Pink, Pitt, Pladdy, Plant, Platts, Pollard, Poucher, Poulter, Powell, Poyser, Prebble, Preston, Price, Priest, Proctor, Proudlove, Pugsley, Purchon, Purdy, Purnell, Pycock, Pycroft, Pynor.


Raby, Race, Rae, Ramsden, Ranby, Rankin, Ratcliffe, Rawnsley, Rawson, Ray, Raybould, Reaney, Redfern, Redgrave, Redhead, Redmayne, Redmead, Redmile, Reed, Reeves, Regan, Reilly, Renfree, Renshaw, Renton, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickett, Ridgeway, Rising, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Roddis, Rodgers, Roe, Roebuck, Roger, Rogerson, Rose, Ross, Rowbottom, Roxby, Royston, Rudram, Rushforth, Rusling, Russell, Rust, Ryalls, Rylands, Rymil.

Sammons, Sampson, Samson, Sanderson, Saul, Savage, Sayles, Schofield, Scholey, Schonhut, Schottler, Scott, Searby, Searle, Seeley, Senior, Seymour, Shamrod, Sharman, Shaw, Sheard, Shee, Shelton, Shephard, Shepherd, Shillito, Shirtcliffe, Siddons, Sills, Simmonite, Simmons, Simnett, Simonite, Simoson, Skelton, Slack, Smalley, Smedley, Smelt, Smith, Snee, Snowden, Sokell, Solway, Sorsby, Spence, Spencer, Spendlove, Spittlehouse, Spounge, Squires, Stables, Stacey, Stafford, Standish, Steel, Steer, Steers, Stephenson, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockdale, Stocks, Stokes, Stone, Stothard, Strong, Stuart, Stubbing, Stubbing, Stubbings, Stubbs, Stuttard, Sullivan, Summer, Sutton, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Swift, Swindell, Swinson, Sykes.

Tagg, Talbot, Tasker, Tattershall, Taylor, Tenison, Testi, Tew, Thickett, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thorpe, Thrale, Timmons, Tingle, Tinker, Tinsley, Tipper, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Toomey, Topham, Torr, Towers, Townend, Townsend, Tracey, Treslaw, Trickett, Tuke, Tune, Turner, Turnor, Turtle, Turton, Tustin, Tweed, Tweedale, Twibby, Twigg, Tye, Tyers, Tyler, Tyrrell.

Unwin, Uttley.

Varige, Veitch, Venables, Verity, Vine, Vinter.

Wabb, Wade, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wainwrite, Waite, Wake, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Walsh, Walsham, Walters, Walton, Warburton, Ward, Waring, Warner, Warr, Warris, Wass, Waterhouse, Waters, Waterton, Watkinson, Watson, Watts, Wayland, Webb, Webster, Weighman, Weighman, Welch, West, Westerman, Weston, Wharton, Wheeler, Wheelhouse, Wheway, Whiers, White, Whitehead, Whiting, Whitley, Whittaker, Whittington, Whitton, Whorwood, Whyman, Widdison, Widdowson, Wielengowski, Wigfall, Wigfield, Wigley, Wild, Wilde, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Windle, Wingfield, Wintle, Wise, Witton, Wolstenholm, Wood, Woodall, Woodcock, Woodger, Woodham, Woodhead, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woofinden, Woolhouse, Wooliscroft, Wordsworth, Wortley, Wragg, Wright, Wroe, Wynn.

Yardley, Yates, Yorke, Young.




The Old Gate Inn was run by consecutive members of one family.

The Hammer and Vice had only one licensee.



WOW, since my article appeared in the Rotherham Advertiser, photos are coming in like mad.

Not just pubs, but many old photos of Rotherham itself.

People are sending them by email and also calling at my home with them.

I will add them to the appropriate web page A.S.A.P

Many thanks to everyone, and keep them coming.

I will acknowledge photos where names have been given, on the appropriate page concerned.