of pubs were taken by John Ward unless stated on the relevant web page as
to where they are from.
Licensees Surnames
Acaster, Acaster,
Adams, Addy,
Adsetts, Ainley,
Alvey, Anderson,
Andrews, Angraves, Antcliffe, Appleyard, Ardous, Armeson, Armstrong,
Arnall, Arnold, Arrand,
Astbury, Aston,
Atkinson, Attwood, Auckland, Austin, Avill, Axleby, Ayrton.
Babb, Bacon, Badger, Bagnall, Bailey, Baines, Baker,
Bakewell, Ball, Ballard, Banks, Bann, Bannister, Bardsley, Barker,
Barkess, Barlow,
Barnaby, Barnes, Barraclough,
Bartholomew, Bates, Batty, Bayton, Bazeley, Beatie, Beaumont, Beckett,
Beecroft, Beedham, Beeley, Beevers, Bell, Bells,
Bennett, Bentley, Best,
Beverley, Bevington, Bewley, Biddle,
Billings, Binns, Birch, Bird, Birkinshaw, Birks, Birmingham,
Bishop, Blackburn, Blackhurst,
Blanchard, Bletcher, Blocksage, Bloor, Blotheran, Blow, Boaler, Booker,
Booth, Bott, Bottom, Bottomley, Boulton, Bower,
Bowler, Bownes, Box,
Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bramall, Bramham, Bray, Brennan, Brewin,
Bridges, Brierley, Briggs, Briscoe, Brisland, Britland, Brittain, Brook,
Brooke, Brooker, Brookes,
Brooks, Brown, Browne, Brunt,
Bruntlett, Brunyee, Bryant, Buckley, Buffton, Bull, Bullement, Bullivant,
Burgin, Burgoyne, Burke,
Burkinshaw, Burley, Bury,
Butcher, Butters, Butterworth, Bywater.
Calder, Caldwell, Caloe, Campling, Capell, Cardwell, Carfit, Carley,
Carnelly, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Cassidy, Casterton,
Cauldwell, Cavill, Cawkwell, Chadfield, Chambers, Chaplin, Chapman,
Chappell, Chatham, Chatterton,
Cheetham, Chester, Chetwynd,
Chiswick, Clabby, Clapham, Clark, Clarke, Claydon, Clegg, Clemmont, Cliff,
Clough, Cockayne, Cockell, Cockram, Coggan, Coldwell, Cole, Coleman,
Coles, Colley, Collier,
Collumbine, Connelly, Connor,
Cook, Cooke,
Cookson, Cooling, Coombes, Cooper, Cope,
Corbett, Corbitt,
Corker, Cornish,
Cotton, Cottrell,
Coucom, Coulson,
Coult, Coulter, Cousins, Covan,
Coverdale, Cox,
Coy, Craven, Crawshaw,
Crebar, Creber, Creeber,
Creswick, Cross,
Crossland, Crosswaite, Crowder, Cunningham, Curtis, Curtiss, Cuthbert,
Dagless, Dale, Daly, Danford, Darlow, Darwent,
Darwin, Daughtry, Davies, Davis, Davy, Dawes, Dawes, Daws, Dean, Dearing,
Delahay, Dennett, Dennis, Denton, Derwent, Dey, Dixon, Dobb, Dobbs,
Dobson, Dodd, Doel, Doherty,
Doncaster, Douglas, Dowling, Downes, Drabble,
Draper, Draycott, Drury,
Ducker, Dudley, Duffield, Duffy, Dugan, Duke, Dunhill, Dunnicliffe,
Earnshaw, Earp, Easthope, Eaton, Eccles, Edwards, Eggleston, Ekin,
Ellerbeck, Elliot, Ellis, Emerson, Emery,
England, Entwistle,
Essex, Etchel,
Evers, Exley, Eyre.
Farnsworth, Farrow, Fazackerley, Featherstone,
Fellows, Fells, Fenoughty, Ferrand, Fieldhouse,
Fields, Findlay, Firth,
Fisher, Fitzgerald, Flanagan,
Fleeman, Flemming, Fletcher, Flintham,
Flockton, Flower, Flynn,
Foers, Foster, Foulson, Fowether, Fowler, Foxcroft,
Francis, Freeman, French,
Fretwell, Friend, Frith, Frost, Fry, Fuller, Furniss.
Gaffney, Garlick, Garner, Garnett, Garod, Garrod, Gee, Gent, Gibson,
Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gillatt, Gilling, Gillions, Gilliver, Gillot,
Gladwin, Gleaden,
Glover, Goddard, Godfrey,
Godley, Goldron, Goodacre,
Goodall, Goodall,
Goode, Goodison, Goodman,
Goodwin, Gorman,
Grady, Graham, Granger,
Graves, Gray,
Grayson, Greaves, Greeber,
Green, Greenbury,
Greenwood, Gregory, Gridlestone, Grieve, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimoldby,
Grindle, Grogutt,
Guest, Guilliam, Gullimore,
Hadgeson, Hafferty, Haffety, Hague, Haigh, Halder, Hale, Hall, Hallam,
Hallows, Hallsworth, Hamer,
Hampstead, Hamshaw, Hamstead, Hanby, Hancock, Hanley, Hannah, Hannon,
Hargreave, Hargreaves, Harper,
Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Harvey,
Hatfield, Hatt, Hattersley, Haukrigg,
Hawcroft, Hawley,
Hayes, Haywood, Heaps, Heath,
Heathcote, Heaton, Heeson, Helliwell, Hemmingway, Hemsworth, Henderson,
Henderson, Heppinstall, Hepplewhite, Hepworth, Herbert, Hesketh, Hewitt,
Heys, Heywood, Hicklin, Hickling, Hickman,
Higgins, Hill,
Hillman, Hird, Hobson,
Hodgeson, Hodgkinson,
Hodlin, Hofgkiss, Hogan, Hogg,
Hogton, Hohmann,
Holgate, Holland,
Hollingsworth, Hollingworth, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hoole,
Hopkinson, Horner,
Hornshaw, Horsend,
Horsfield, Horsford,
Hounslow, Howard, Howarth,
Howson, Hucknall, Hudson,
Hudspeth, Huff, Hughes, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurn, Hurst,
Hurt, Hutchinson, Hutton, Hydes,
Ingham, Ingle, Ingram, Inman, Ives.
Jackson, James,
Jaques, Jarvis, Jeffries,
Jeffs, Jennings, Jepson, Jervis, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jowett.
Kananagh, Kay, Kaye, Keal, Keen, Keightley, Kelham,
Kelley, Kelly, Kent, Kerry,
King, Kirk, Kitchen, Knapton,
Knight, Knowles, Knowlson.
Lambert, Lavelle, Law,
Lawless, Lawrence, Lawson,
Lawton, Laycock, Layne, Lea, Leach,
Leake, Ledger, Lee, Leek,
Leggatt, Leggoe, Leng, Lennon, Lenton, Leverington, Levick,
Levien, Lewis, Lidster,
Liggins, Ling, Lister, Littlewood, Liversage,
Lockart, Lockwood, Loftus,
Lomas, Long, Love, Lowe, Lucas,
Luckock, Lucock, Lundy, Lunn,
Lyall, Lyle, Lynam.
MacKay, MacRedie, Maguire,
Makin, Makings,
Mallett, Mallinson, Mapplebeck, Marr,
Marsden, Marshall, Marsland,
Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Matley, Mayo, McAlpine, McBean,
McCormack, McGath, McGovern,
McHale, McIntyre, McKenzie, Meadows, Meays,
Medley, Meleham, Mellor,
Meredith, Merrill, Merry, Metcalf, Methley, Middleton, Midgley, Mills,
Milnes, Mirfin, Mitchell, Moffatt,
Mohan, Moorby, Moore, Moores, Moorhouse,
Morely, Morgan, Morgan,
Morley, Morris, Morrison,
Morton, Mosley, Moss,
Moulding, Mozley, Muir, Mullet, Mulligan, Mullins, Mulvey, Munn, Murry,
Mursey, Murtrie, Muscroft, Myers.
Naylor, Neal,
Neatby, Needham, Nettleton, Newbould, Newey, Newsome, Newsum,
Nicholas, Nicholson, Nicol, Nixon, Noble,
Nolan, Norbron, Norburn,
Norman, Norris, Norton,
Nussey, Nutall.
Oakton, Oates, Oats, O'Brien, Ogden, O'Grady, Oldfield, Oldham, Oliver,
O'Neil, Orgil, Osborne, Outram, Owen, Owens, Ownsworth, Oxbrough, Oxley.
Pardy, Park, Parker, Parkes,
Parkin, Parkinson, Partington,
Pashley, Patrick, Payne, Peace, Pearce, Pearson, Perkins, Peters, Pettit,
Phillips, Picken, Pickering, Pickersgill, Pickin, Pimgree, Pindar, Pink,
Pitt, Pladdy, Plant, Platts, Pollard, Poucher, Poulter,
Powell, Poyser, Prebble, Preston,
Price, Priest, Proctor, Proudlove, Pugsley, Purchon, Purdy, Purnell,
Pycock, Pycroft, Pynor.
Raby, Race, Rae, Ramsden, Ranby, Rankin, Ratcliffe,
Rawnsley, Rawson, Ray, Raybould, Reaney, Redfern, Redgrave, Redhead,
Redmayne, Redmead, Redmile, Reed, Reeves, Regan, Reilly, Renfree, Renshaw,
Renton, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickett, Ridgeway,
Rising, Roach, Robbins, Roberts,
Robinson, Roddis, Rodgers, Roe, Roebuck, Roger, Rogerson, Rose,
Ross, Rowbottom, Roxby, Royston, Rudram, Rushforth, Rusling, Russell,
Rust, Ryalls, Rylands, Rymil.
Sammons, Sampson, Samson, Sanderson, Saul, Savage,
Sayles, Schofield, Scholey, Schonhut,
Schottler, Scott, Searby,
Searle, Seeley, Senior, Seymour,
Shamrod, Sharman, Shaw, Sheard, Shee, Shelton, Shephard, Shepherd,
Shillito, Shirtcliffe, Siddons, Sills, Simmonite, Simmons, Simnett,
Simonite, Simoson, Skelton,
Slack, Smalley, Smedley, Smelt, Smith, Snee, Snowden, Sokell, Solway,
Sorsby, Spence, Spencer, Spendlove, Spittlehouse, Spounge, Squires,
Stables, Stacey, Stafford,
Standish, Steel, Steer, Steers, Stephenson, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockdale,
Stocks, Stokes, Stone, Stothard, Strong, Stuart,
Stubbing, Stubbing, Stubbings,
Stubbs, Stuttard, Sullivan, Summer,
Sutton, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Swift, Swindell, Swinson, Sykes.
Tagg, Talbot,
Tasker, Tattershall, Taylor,
Tenison, Testi, Tew, Thickett, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thorpe,
Thrale, Timmons, Tingle, Tinker, Tinsley, Tipper, Tomkins,
Tomlinson, Toomey, Topham,
Torr, Towers, Townend, Townsend, Tracey, Treslaw, Trickett, Tuke, Tune,
Turner, Turnor, Turtle, Turton,
Tustin, Tweed, Tweedale, Twibby, Twigg, Tye, Tyers, Tyler,
Unwin, Uttley.
Varige, Veitch, Venables, Verity, Vine, Vinter.
Wabb, Wade, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wainwright,
Wainwrite, Waite, Wake, Waldron, Walker, Wall,
Walsh, Walsham, Walters,
Walton, Warburton, Ward,
Waring, Warner, Warr, Warris, Wass, Waterhouse, Waters, Waterton,
Watkinson, Watson, Watts, Wayland,
Webb, Webster, Weighman, Weighman,
Welch, West,
Westerman, Weston, Wharton,
Wheeler, Wheelhouse, Wheway, Whiers, White, Whitehead, Whiting,
Whitley, Whittaker,
Whittington, Whitton, Whorwood,
Whyman, Widdison, Widdowson,
Wielengowski, Wigfall, Wigfield, Wigley, Wild, Wilde, Wilkinson,
Williams, Williamson, Wilson,
Windle, Wingfield, Wintle, Wise, Witton, Wolstenholm, Wood, Woodall,
Woodcock, Woodger, Woodham,
Woodhead, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woofinden, Woolhouse, Wooliscroft,
Wordsworth, Wortley, Wragg, Wright, Wroe,
Yardley, Yates, Yorke,
Zammitto. |